Sunday, April 16, 2023

... it's hard not to give up


"Sometimes it's hard not to give up on finding true love." - Unknown 

Finding love isn't always easy. Some days it feels like a mission impossible and then many days it feels like "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" Looking for love is like finding eggs for under $3 in this economy and even then you begin to question the quality of the eggs. Are they expired? What's wrong with them? Am I being punked? The list goes on and on. It's all an adventure! You get to go out on dates, experience new venues, learn new things, meet new people, and possibly maybe the love in which you seek. But the downside of it too is that sometimes you experience horrible dates, and questionable venues, learn things you wish you didn't, and meet people you sometimes wish you didn't! As we get older the journey absolutely becomes more frustrating than fun and the focus isn't about really having a good time but whether or not we're finding the right one. 

Love teaches us lessons whether we want them to or not. Failed relationships are heartbreaking, depressing, frustrating, and draining. Nothing is worse than wasted time and when dating it hurts to invest so much time and energy into someone only to walk away empty. 

Some of us get weary and we begin to settle. WE DESERVE MORE THAN SETTLING!

Finding the love that we desire requires sticking it out and waiting for just that to come along. Find someone who you're attracted to, who makes you laugh, respects you, can communicate openly and effectively, and enjoys spending quality time together. If you haven't found that yet, then why settle? We all deserve the best relationship possible and every time we choose to settle we lose a piece of ourselves and what it is we really desire. 

Finding love isn’t always easy. It can be disheartening and may even feel like a full-time job sometimes – but don’t give up! It's always easier said than done because personally speaking I have given up and tapped out. I am very well aware that giving up on love makes me feel that I am incapable of finding true happiness with someone; but sometimes the givers are tired of giving and for once would love to be on the receiving end of the stick. In the past self-protection has always been my defense mechanism and eventually, I begin to alienate myself from others.

I am a firm believer that none of us are here to be alone. Everyone we meet teaches us something whether we know it or not. It can be an ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, ex-spouse, an old friend, a current friend, a colleague, etc. Every person we meet is an opportunity to learn something new if we allow it to be. In the past my bad experiences use to leave a bitter taste in my mouth, but what it has taught me is how to move accordingly with people moving forward and that didn't happen overnight. 

It’s easy to be harsh on yourself when your love life is struggling. If you’re thinking about giving up on love, then you’re telling yourself that you’re simply not worth the effort — and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Maybe we are trying too hard ... maybe we aren't trying at all. 

Whenever you have those moments like I do remind yourself: 

You Are Worthy of Love

"It only takes one!" 💕


  1. I think people are so afraid of getting heart so instead they play imma get you before you get me game; which is so unfair to everyone. Why can’t we be open and honest about who we are (about your status) and what your intentions are which makes for a easier situation. We all know hurt people hurt people and until you resolve your underlining hurt the cycle will continue. Love and companionship are everyones desire; who wants to be alone. We were not designed to be alone. Just my 2 cents.

  2. I think you are a TRUE ROMANTIC!! Keep spreading your positive thoughts and energy out to the masses!! You never know how many people needed hear your message!! Stay TRUE!!!

  3. I put the previous comment fyi.

  4. I am worthy of love and I open myself to giving and receiving love, light, positive energy, effective communication, flexibility, and so much more so that when true love finds me I'm in a position to receive it and hold onto it. It takes growth, maturity, and recognizing one's own characteristics both good and bad that can maintain that love or drive it away.

  5. This was right on time and I want to encourage everyone that no matter where you are in life right now. Relationship or single you’re worth it! You’re worth being single because being with the wrong person isn’t worth your time, love and space. If you’re in a relationship cherish what’s good. It won’t always be great but trust in yourself and the love you share with your partner.
    Overall giving your best self to you first then whoever enters into your life is the real “RELATIONSHIP GOAL”

  6. I know one of my fears in going into a relationship is choosing the wrong one but I have to learned to be more open and not expect the worst case scenario.


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