
Showing posts from 2015


How many of us are still out here faking it? Let's be honest now !!! I am in my thirties and yet I am still out here faking it. And quick to tell someone it was good when it was just okay. I think I have become so prone to faking it throughout my twenties that if by chance it is good, it is all the same. Now if it is great, there is no faking it whatsoever from me, I may shed a little tear, my inner thigh may swell up, or my toes may cramp up like I have gout. (no judgement here ladies and gentleman). I read somewhere that single women are more inclined to faking it, because they don't feel comfortable enough asking their partner for what they want or how they like it. Sometimes, women fake it so much to make the man feel great about himself; but ladies this is the reality - WE NEED TO BE THE ONE'S FEELING GREAT !!! You can't keep going with the flow like you're into it but not necessarily coming (get it). Are you faking it because you're tired and what i...

fake busy

Let's talk about fake busy ... I hate to hear people tell me "I was busy all day and it didn't cross my mind, or I didn't have time" one word for this BULLSHIT ... now mind you there aren't any other words for this besides BULLSHIT !!!  I am constantly telling folks, "people make time for who and what they want to make time for" case scenario: before I moved down south, I worked a full time job varying from 8-12 hour days, would hit the gym around 5am for a workout, 3 days out the week pick my niece up from daycare if need be, and was a personal trainer during the week and weekends w private clients and teaching boot camp classes and other family and social events with friends. I say that to say this .... in spite of how busy it seems I was I made time for someone who I was quite interested in. He was worth it to me, and I made time out of my busy day(s) to spend time w him, whether it was going out for a drink, having dinner, making dinner, a m...

snippet ....

Seek and ye shall find. Search and one will see. Listen and one will hear. Be still and enjoy the blessings. Find peace and live in the moments. Talk less. Listen more. Observe so you can see. Be aware of the signs. Be alert of your thoughts. Pray more. Worry less. Forgive and eventually learn to forget. Leave it behind and move on.

tired of Mr. Right Now

I just know I can't be the only one in the world wondering why I have to kiss so many frogs in this lifetime before one turns into an actual prince ... Have I kissed a frog who was an actual prince but yet he kissed so many toads he has lost his charm? Have you been on what feels like a million dates, but yet haven't found anyone that you kind of have that "aha  moment" or that spark with? Trust me I know the feeling all too well and it can be discouraging but I am learning the hard truth that if we are willing to accept anyone then we could have a relationship tomorrow. I am learning that realistically finding the right relationship is a numbers game (so if you hate math this may not be good for you). The higher your standards and requirements are, often the smaller number of choices we have to choose from. So let's reconsider what exactly it is we are looking for. I always think that most simplest things are often the hardest to obtain. I don't think ...

women and emotions

I wish I knew why women were such emotional beings. Why does our hearts often overpower what we know is right within our minds? Why do we wear our heart on our sleeves? Why can't we easily walk away from what is wrong? What hurts us? What hinders us? What we know is NO good for us? Why are we such emotional beings? We get so emotionally attached and then by the time our minds kick in our hearts are operating full speed. Then we find ourselves in that difficult situation between choosing what we know is right and what we think feels good. A friend said to me "sex brings emotions" and at first I wanted to debate with her because I am subject to believe differently. But after I thought about it; it holds such partial truth. But that saying applies to women, well women way more than men. It's crazy how you can hate someone's guts and sex can make you forget why you were even mad in the first place. But what if it really isn't the sex but the moments? Emotions ...

This thing called life.

Life is crazy. We never know who we're going to meet. We never know how they may or may not impact our lives. It's scary not knowing what lies ahead but it's amazing that not no 2 days are ever the same. Sometimes I wish we had the ability to determine who we allow to enter our lives and who we don't. Feels like if we were able to do so, we could prevent so many things we try and avoid in life. Heartache, heart break, disappointment, lies, deceit, and so many other things we just don't want. But unfortunately we don't control the plane we are just here for the ride. It's crazy how the things we often think we want so bad are the things we don't need at all or the things that can often hurt us the most. Reality is the shit we try to avoid is always the shit we need to help us grow. Sucks how pain and suffering can often bring us some of the joyous moments of our lives. Sucks that we have to endure the storm to enjoy the rainbow. Life is crazy. We ne...

being the other woman.

Women have this power that at times we often sweep under the wrong. It's called intuition.  in·tu·i·tion noun the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. Sometimes we know what's going to happen before it even occurs, sometimes we can sense when things aren't right before it goes left, and it's a power that we posses and often overlook. Case scenario: meeting someone who seems like a great catch, good company, amazing vibes, seemingly too good to be true, and then BOOM intuition kicks in around the same times feelings begin to develop. Everything your intuition tells you can be factual but often the feelings tell you let it go. We hate confronting the truth and would rather leave it as the unknown.  Being the other woman ... Is it worth it? Are you settling? Don't you deserve more? Is the competition so strong? Are you happy? Aren't you worth more? Are you satisfied? Are there benefits? I mean I can wr...

Long distance relationships

Believe it or not at some point we have all considered it, been there, thought about it or possibly going thru it. We often hear the stories about how long distance relationships will never work out. Or maybe we hear the stories that absence makes the heart grow fonder and time away is much needed for trial and tribulation for a relationship. Me personally, I am not for it but with relocating to North Carolina I have strongly considered it a time or two. A long distance relationship can either be chicken soup for the soul or poison ivy on the body! When you decide to make that decision with someone you never know what to expect. It can make you love someone so much more or it can help you see what you have been blinded by being so close by. Some say it can be seen as an opportunity, in order to determine whether you want to live together you must first know what it feels like to live apart. It has been said even though I need proof and facts to be a test of your love. There is a ...

Chapter 33

Welcome to Chapter 33  The time is now and I embark on a new year of life. I took a break and re evaluated life for the whole month of August. I cried a lot, experienced death w people I love so dear and near, learned to keep your friends close as possible, love up on your family so much that they suffocate and be open to love from others when you feel that it is genuine. I have learned that in our darkest hours when it feels like God has turned off the lights, he has truly only dimmed them so that you can relax and unwind to prepare for the sun to shine back in. As I embark on this new journey called 33 I hope he continues to keep me, continues to provide for me when I feel like there is no way for it all to happen. That he continues to prove to me why he alone is God and to trust solely in him. IN this new chapter called 33, I hope to love more, enjoy life, continue to understand that trouble don't last always and that when people genuinely love you, nothing comes betw...


There was something about him that drew me in.  Something about him that that was different than the rest.  Something about him that kept me coming back.  There was something about him. He stimulated my mental and made my soul smile.   He listened to my heart even when I didn't think it could speak.  He was captivated by my inner beauty, just infatuated with me.  There was something about him. He talked I listened. I spoke he listened.   He heard my song cry. I heard his song cry.  There was something about him. There was something about him that drew me in.   Something about him that was different than the rest.  Something about him that kept me coming back.  There was something about him. 

being picky.

So ladies, is this how you feel sometimes?Is this totally you? Are you being so picky that you are overlooking great possibilities? Trust some of us are so picky we don't even realize it !!! Don't get me wrong I definitely agree that every girl deserves a good guy. No it's not wrong to have standards, but damn it sometimes the standards are way to high. Sometimes us as women require so much from a man we couldn't even give back in return. I.E. he needs to be college educated/graduate, yet you only have a high school diploma, he needs to be established in life w a career etc, yet you hop from job to job if the pay is good, he can't have NO kids, yet you may have 1 or sometimes 3 and w 3 different fathers. I can go on but you get the point. Sometimes we become so focused on the path to finding Mr. Right that we can't seem to see the perfectly imperfect guy right outside our window.  So here it goes, a little listing of a few things I have come to ...

Don't Worry; Matthew 6:34

For we don't know what tomorrow may bring, let us not worry but be thankful for today <3

stepping out of your comfort zone.

Sharing the 6 steps .. . 1 Make a fool of yourself.  One of the biggest things that holds many of us back is our fear of what people think. After all, you don't want people to think you're weird or rude or creepy or obnoxious or  annoying , do you? But wait -- think about the most lovable, magnetic people you've come across in your life. Odds are, they weren't the meek, agreeable people who are reliably pleasant to be around. They were the people who were crazy and  charming . People who blurted out silly, maybe inappropriate things, or who made huge, slap-your-forehead mistakes, or who were over the top most of the time, but others  forgave  them for being less than perfect and in fact, liked them for it. So shatter your concern for what people think of you. You're allowed to be less than perfect, and you may find that people like you more for it, because it makes you a more exciting person to be around. Get laughed at, laugh with 'em. Do somethin...

12 Benefits of Detoxing the Body

Many people don't believe in the power of what a detox can do, so I am sharing 12 benefits I found and believe to be true with regards to detoxing the body. 1. Boosts Your Energy Many detox program followers report feeling more energetic. This would make sense because while you’re detoxing you’re stopping the influx of the things that caused you to need a detox in the first place. By cutting out the sugar, caffeine, trans fat, saturated fat, and replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables, you’ll be getting a natural energy boost, one that comes without a resultant crash. It’s vital to stay well hydrated while on any detox program, and that can also be a source of increased energy if you typically don’t get enough water throughout the day. 2. Rids the Body of Any Excess Waste The biggest thing that detoxing helps with is allowing the body to rid itself of any excess waste it’s been storing. Most detox programs are designed to stimulate the body to purge itself, ...

Girl, get your mind right !

30 days. Restart. Refresh. Reboot. Revive. I am opening up a chapter of my life with you and hopefully it may help someone else too. For the month of August I'm working on a 30 day reboot to a better me. The purpose of this reboot is because it's much needed and to allow these 30 days or so to reassure myself of many things and to revive what has died within. NO negativity. NO distractions. NO excuses. 30 days includes focusing on all these things/ideas and much more. Better eating. Back to fitness. Finding faith. Trusting solely in God. Praying more. Meditation. Trying yoga. Exploring new things. Loving myself a bit more daily. Drinking more water, less alcohol. Disconnecting from the world to reconnect with myself (meaning no social media for the period of this life connection).  So along this journey I am going to try and share as much as I can with you. Whether it's a recipe, a new venture, a passage, words of encouragement, an exercise regimen, a detox...

12 ways to a girl's heart.



I am in a current stage where I am learning how to be alone and be happy. Learning how to be alone without being lonely and losing my mind. Making time to be alone is important for our sense of self and individuality, self knowledge and some unwinding and R&R.  Being alone is essential with learning how to stand on your own two feet again and the most important part FIND YOURSELF! Some people experience loneliness while others celebrate it. Most of us enjoy spending time with friends, laughing and meeting new people. Being alone can be tricky on the mind, as many of us fear being judged by peers when out alone doing things that seem to be meant for friends and companions, like dancing, eating at restaurants, and festivals. The reality is as humans we crave companionship.  Loneliness should not be compared to the fear of being alone. We all have times when we are alone for situational reasons or simply because we have chosen to be alone. Being alone means dif...

what you deserve.

You ever knew in your heart that the person you wanted was meant for you and realized after awhile that they didn't deserve you? People don't always get what they deserve in this world.  Ever had someone tell you "you don't deserve me" or "you can do better than me" but you brush it off and don't believe them. Let's stop for a minute and let me tell you this, if someone EVER tells you such a thing BELIEVE THEM !!! 9 times out of 10 they are telling you for a reason. Either they like you or they don't, never try and convince someone of your worth. If a person doesn't appreciate you, then hell they don't deserve you.  The only sure thing about life is that it is in constant motion. Days pass, season changes (winter, spring, fall and summer), people leave, people die, new beginnings happen and things end. The truth is there are some people we are better off without. There are some people who are just toxic in our lives and for...

moving on.

When we hold onto things and people that are toxic for us, it destroys our spirits in the most horrible way. Why is it so hard for us to move on from things we think we love? Why do we allow ourselves to become damaged goods before letting go and moving on? Have you ever heard that theory "hurt people, hurt people"? Crazy right? But damn it's so true. And sometimes people don't even know why they are hurting but deep down inside their sole purpose is to make you feel how they are feeling, even though they don't know why they feel the way they do. *sighs*  Now when I talk about moving on it doesn't necessarily mean relationship wise but other areas of life as well. It could be moving on from your current position/job, moving on and letting go of friendships that you may have outgrown or God is showing you that the purpose is no longer there, moving on and living life on y our own terms (w hether it means packing up and moving away from your fam...