Tuesday, July 14, 2015

crossing the lines of friendship; is your best friend your perfect partner?

Well good evening, here we are again another blog for the masses. Do you see the image above? This is my idea as to what will happen if I were to date my best friend (the bottom half). In this day and age most females have male best friends and a lot of men have female best friends. But have you ever thought of crossing the lines of friendship? Have you ever crossed the lines of friendship? If so how was it, was it weird, did it last, did it die and your friendship died along with it?

I grew up having 8 brothers (I always lose count, my dad was definitely a rolling stone) so I always adapted to the male species a bit better than the female. So therefore I have always had a male best friend or two. I always felt like one of the guys so it was cool plus it's always nice to have a male's point of view on why we (women) feel they are assholes at times and wanting to know why men are such unemotional beings. But nonetheless I have had great male friendships.

Now, I have never thought to myself about crossing the lines of friendships but many people do and have. Now months ago I remember a friend telling me that her and her male best friend were going to take that plunge and work on being a couple. I thought to myself WOW and then right after I said why. Truth is our best friends generally know more about us than anyone else (besides God of course). So what would make someone really consider crossing that line and dating their best friend .... well I found a few reasons why after dope conversation and a little research.

  • he's familiar with your bad side; truth is when we are in the dating world the first few months are a bit crucial. We pretend like we don't have a bad side because we don't want to scare this person off right away. Sometimes we downplay our insecurities and hide the fact often that we are moody, jealous or even angry. But in the case of dating your best friend you won't worry about all of that because he already knows all this about you and how to deal with accordingly, this is 1 reason why some people cross the line and date their best friend. 
  • you're more/less aware of past history and relationships. Now who else have you shared all those horrible relationship and sexual experiences with besides your best friend? They have seen you date the lowest of low losers and much more. So you both are fully aware as to what each other is and is not looking for in a relationship. 
  • comfortable with each other; truth is you can pass gas around your best friend, devour 15 pieces of chicken wings and beer and walk around without your wig and not have one care in the world. This is the comfort you want with your significant other, but in the beginning when we are dating it often takes a few weeks or even months before you feel comfortable enough to not let someone see you w out makeup or with your hair not done, etc. 
These are just a few reasons, but it kind of make you think that maybe the guy you have been looking for all along has been there all these years. In spite of all the good there is always a negative side to the equation. Now let me share some reasons why you shouldn't date your best friend; 

  • way to comfortable with each other; now I know this sounds weird but it holds some truth. You already know everything about each other, he knows what you look like without makeup on so with that being said where does the effort come in?
  • it can ruin your current friendship. THIS IS MY BIGGEST FEAR !!! regardless of how many times you guys go over the rules and come to the conclusion that you guys will not let it come between you if it doesn't work, it doesn't always end on great terms. 
  • who will you run to for relationship advice??? EXACTLY !!!! now if I start dating my best friend who will I run to when the guy I am into doesn't call me and ask me how my day was? The one person who always gave heard your boyfriend/girlfriend problems is now the very boyfriend/girlfriend who is giving you problems. 
  • because you already know everything about each other ! YES if I already know everything about you what fun will our relationship be? With nothing new to learn about each other it can make for quite a boring relationship. The relationship can end up lacking the spike of excitement that often comes along with learning new things about someone. 
  • you will end up needing a new best friend; now if you begin to date your best friend who then becomes your wing man? Even though I always hear people say "my significant other is my best friend" they are still totally different things. One person can't fill the void of both, even if you feel that way you still need to have another friend to talk and confide in when that "significant best friend" is driving you crazy. 
  • regardless of how much we may wish for the best, things may or will never go back to the way they were. So ironically if things end on a sour note it's no way that you will automatically jump back into being the best of friends ! 

Have you ever dated your best friend? Considered it? Did it work out? Let me know !!! ME personally I couldn't cross the fine line of friendship because all I fear is that it won't work out and then I will not only lose a boyfriend but I will lose much more .... my best friend. 

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